Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our Carolina Porch

My sweet husband hung my red star!
I feel like my porch is complete now!

I'm lovin it!

Carolina love! My husband found this rock shaped like SC in the woods! It was meant to be!


Need to add some flowers soon!

Makes me smile every time I walk up my steps!
Home sweet home!

Kinda bittersweet. This will be the last few days my porch will look this way until next year.

Welcome to my little Carolina porch!

Have a great day!


Kathy said...

Love your ferns and stars and everything, hope all goes well during the storm for you, thinkin of the Carolinas

Unknown said...

LOVE STARS ON HOMES, SO CUTE. What sweet boys too. Night! Jen

Vanessa said...

I'm so jealous of your porch! I just love it! The changing seasons really are bittersweet aren't they?
Have a great night!

Leslie said...

It looks so pretty Jennifer. Are you guys bracing for Earl? I am wondering if it will hit the shores of the chesapeake.
have a great Thursday

MJ said...

Jennifer...loving the porch! Im even more jealous that you have a large SC flag on the porch. lol I have ferns on either side of my porch too. Unfortunately I have 3 black stars sitting on the porch waiting to be hung by my husband. Maybe by the end of the month to go with all my fall decorations.

Melissa Miller said...

Jennifer it looks fabulous! I love red and stars. Perfect! :)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Your porch is lovely, Jennifer...and I love your star! Hope the storm misses you! XO

Tara@JustDevineStyle said...

Seriously the porch is great and the star really looks nice. Your home is so cute! Funny you found the SC rock!

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

So pretty! Your ferns are beautiful. I'm sick of watering so needless to say my potted plants are dying!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Jennifer,
I love your big red star. In fact, I love your entire porch and your sweet cottage.


Lynn said...

Very nice, your porch and home are very welcoming-enjoy!

Lori said...

Home sweet star! Looks great, amazing what one little accessory can do for a girl!

Mary Ellen said...

Love it! I love NC, but at times I think about moving to SC. Just to get more acquainted with where I was born. Plus there's so much history and Southern charm!

Mary Ellen

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Your porch is looking fantastic, and clean too! Mine is filthy! LOL! Your ferns are looking great as well. I never did find my matching flower box, so still not attached. I cannot wait to see yours with fall flowers in them! Don't be sad, be happy! Just think of how gorgeous all those fall flowers and stuff will look with your wonderful new red star. Your porch really looks great!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Oh, forgot to also say..WOW! That rock is amazing! It was meant to be wasn't it! Luv it!

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

It is very pretty and welcoming! I know what you mean about the end. I love summer. Fall and spring are okay but I really LOVE summer and don't want it to end!

Have a great day!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Loving the star!

Tammy said...

Nothing like a Carolina Porch is there? They just beg you to slow down and relax. Your's looks great.
Mine is a mess but since it is supposed to cool down a bit this weekend - we'll get out there and clean it off so when Autumn comes we'll be ready for her.

Kristi said...

LOoks beautiful Jennifer! I hope you are not hit by Earl!!!! Prayinng for you all!

Kristen White said...

Your porch is so pretty...I love the red star!

Blondie's Journal said...

Hi Jennifer!!

Popping in from Cozy Little House. I love your red looks perfect on your front porch and I adore ferns! Do you have to bring them in over the winter? I do and then keep my fingers crossed they survive!! lol!

Your two boys are adorable! They look like they keep you busy!

Have a great holiday weekend! :-)


Unknown said...

Beautiful front porch! I love your red star.

Sam I Am...... said...

Hi Jennifer! Love your porch...I'm from over Cozy Little House way. Your boys are beautiful...reminds me of mine when they were little. I have grandbabies now! Love the star, your lovely home and that rock is something else! What a great life you have there.

a.M. said...

Very nice! I'm a Carolina girl myself. :) Hope Earl goes easy on you guys!

Rita's Recipes said...

We just came back from Charleston, so I recognize the flag. Love your porch.

Christie said...

I saw the flag and had to stop! The red star looks it! And that SC cool! Your boys are ADORABLE!! Thanks for all your kind words at Three Pixie Lane!

Nita Stacy said...

Oh, I love ferns on the porch too and it makes me so sad when it gets too cold for them to stay.

Olivia said...

Your home is lovely and I love your blog! I to am a junker, it is even my job, who hoo. I am off to cruise around your blog, I am trying to sign up to follow you, but for some reason it is not letting me follow anyone...hum. Have a lovely day.

TidyMom said...

I LOVE your star!! your porch is wonderful!!!
Thanks for linking up! Have a GREAT weekend!

Susan Freeman said...

Hi Jennifer! Brenda sent me over to welcome you. Love your porch, your star, and your flag too! Stop by for a visit when you have a chance!

Susan and Bentley

Becca's Dirt said...

I just popped in from Cozy Little House. You have a lovely blog. What a beautiful front porch. Have a great weekend.

bj said...

Hi, I'm bj and over from Brenda's.
I am so glad to meet you and hope you will come see me sometime.

I love your sweet cottage porch..and the star is the crowning part. Love it...

O, and I am your newest follower.:)
xo bj

Debbiedoos said...

Jennifer that is so charming. The star looks so cute too. I love the little rock shaped like our wonderful state! Have a great weekend. Debbie

Pamela said...

Love your front porch and the red star makes it even nicer!

Anonymous said...

your porch is just darling! love it, and looove that red star! too cute!! hope ya'll are having a great weekend!!!

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

oh i love a covered porch! loving the way you have it put together too.
Great finds at PB, love the number!
have a wonderful weekend.

Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said...

Hi- I'm a new visitor from Cozy Little House! I love the big front porch! Those ferns are perfect hanging there.

My Dream Canvas said...

This is beautiful. I am hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway on my blog. I would love for you to stop by. Thanks Anu!

awal.ny said...

That looks like a large porch to sit and watch your boys grow up. Have a wonderful holiday.